As Chickensweat's power and stench grew throughout the city, so did his need for henchmen and miscellaneous staff. “Wanna get paid for killing your mom?” read his classified ad in The New York Times.

347 disappointing would-be criminals later, Pole was the first to impress in Chickensweat's gruelling group interviews. Not only because he was literally a steel pole, but because he had already murdered his mother and demanded back-payment. Chickensweat liked the cut of his jib and pipe-like structure, instantly recruiting the metal rod.

Pole grew up on the streets of New York City and began his criminal career long before joining Chickensweat's organisation. After slaying his parents, he pick-pocketed his way to become the leader of a gang known as the Motherf***ing Metal C*** F***s – a crew consisting exclusively of hard-arsed metal-based thugs. Petty crimes and a short stint in the sex trade as a male gigolo soon became mundane as Pole yearned for something more challenging. He pounced on Chickensweat's recruitment ad like some sort of oddly shaped steel cat and now stands as his most profane and rust proof right-hand man.