Check out these links to my other pages, more Rashman fun, friends and random things / people I like and / or follow. Use your mouse to click and your eyeballs to look.



Some of my things on YouTube
Sentences, 140 characters or less


The official nest of Rashman
Rashman episodes on AssTube
Rashman enema kit anyone?
Hmmmmm, professional
Be Rashman's virtual friend
Cyber with Rashpocket (eg. ASL?)
Rashman's vowels via Fucktwit
Rashpocket's vomit via Twitshit
Bizzaro Splice 47 re-enactment


The official sanctuary of Mollusks
The 7-part series, YouTube-stylez
It's a real show
Poke some Mollusks in the bivalve
Mollusky Tweets


Illustration / Concept Art
Motion Graphics / Compositing
Animation / Illustration
Illustration / Concept Art
Animation / Illustration
Animation / Comics
Director / Camera / Editor
Animation / Motion Graphics
Motion Graphics / Compositing
Animation / Short Films
Animation / Illustration
Illustration / Concept Art
Animation / Motion Graphics