Welcome to assfest.com, or as we here at splicefest like to call it - splicefest.com. Inadvertently, or otherwise, you've just entered the official home of Rashman and the unofficial home of stem-cell research. Use your mouse to browse the pages and your eyes to browse the content. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll shit your pants. Your reaction, in truth, is unpredictable.
Aside from ample Rashman content, we will sporadically inseminate this virtual ovum with other projects that have haphazardly descended from our wombs. One such example is Mollusks. So sit back (or curl up in the foetal position) and receive this – some website content.
Keep it salubrious.

Aside from ample Rashman content, we will sporadically inseminate this virtual ovum with other projects that have haphazardly descended from our wombs. One such example is Mollusks. So sit back (or curl up in the foetal position) and receive this – some website content.
Keep it salubrious.